Knowledge and Misinformation

(facts and truthful information to improve the accuracy of our knowledge)

Falacious Information and Misconceptions are Preventing the Preciseness of What We Learn

Correcting errors from history and the present

It is amazing that the information needed to correct facts, in many cases are available in any good general encyclopedia, dictionary, or other informative books. The trouble is that very few people bother to check them or may declare that it is just too much trouble to look up and so much easier to accept what we have heard over and over. Most people apparently prefer to "think" in herds, rather than measure the common "wisdom" with the multitude of sources even on the internet.

There are literally hundreds of popular beliefs that are not true. This presentation is compiled to show which of our misconceptions are incorrectly accepted and believed. Even after such reality checks are made known, there will still be people who will continue to accept the falacies because such misconceptions have become locked in their minds as being acceptable to their way of thinking. Even when the truth is made known, there is no guarantee that such information will be accepted as factual.

When we stumble and fall with false assumptions, it's not because our reasoning faculties have tripped us; it's because we won't accept the truth about things we know just aren't correct. It is apparently much easier just to "go with the flow".

People believe what they want to believe; so, the world is full of misinformation. Some of it is harmless; some of it is harmful, and some of it is "so what?"; but all of it is interesting as you will see at this Knowledge and Misinformation page.